
Coffee with Hamish Grierson

Hamish Grierson is a refreshingly straight-talking Founder. His start-up, Thriva Health, provides at-home, personalised blood test kits that allow consumers to find out more about their long-term health, fitness and more.

This is, in Hamish’s own words, “preventative” tech – and with more than 100,000 blood tests processed to date. Here are the best bits from a fascinating conversation…

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Ellis Seder


Forecasting talent trends with Rise @ Barclays

I’ve just published an article on the latest talent trends in partnership with Barclays’ Fintech hub, Rise. It includes my take on how remote working might influence the talent market, how existing roles might be affected, and whether Covid-19 could mark the end of blitzscaling. Here’s 8 trends that I have shared in the article.

Check out the original article HERE.


London Fintech Podcast

I recently sat down with Mike Baliman of the London Fintech Podcast and spoke about getting a job in tech no matter what age or stage you’re at. I delved into the ways of finding the perfect job if you’re already working in the tech industry and thinking about moving on to something new, or if you’re wanting to break into the tech industry for the first time. READ HERE



What I learned, and didn’t, from SXSW 2018. I’ve not long been back from the spectacle that is SXSW. What did I learn? I’m glad you asked.